Chris Cimperman: All His Glory


This is a tribute to one of the most photogenic men in the world. I decided to assemble this collection, not because he deserves it, but in order to expose his unique modeling talents to the world. Get ready world, here he comes.



I got this thick bitch a few months back. I shot it while standing about 25 yards away. Needless to say I was proud of my shot. We just needed Andrew Zimmern there to show us how to cook her up.

Dead Monitor



While waiting for the thumbs up on a project at work, this happened.

This is my second monitor that acts very nutty. I often have to restrain myself from smashing it to smithereens. As an alternative I thought I would mock it through caricature.

King Stink




This is my most recent driving disc. It is a Nuke and S curves like a MFer. I love this disc and wanted to personalize it.

Dog Judge



While on a call with a client, she mentioned the fact that she had started assembling the memoirs of famous dog show judge. I thought that was awesome, so this happened.

The Idea Jar


I now present Emily’s birthday present for 2012. Not quite as large as last year’s but still respectable.

I started off with a 3 foot by 4 foot canvas and applied my spackled texture. Then proceeded on to the underpainting of paint pencils and crayons.From there I shot up the line work with my projector and positioned it on the canvas. I then finished it off with a combination of acrylic and charcoal pencil.

As you can see, it now has a home above our bed. It serves as an excellent dream catcher. Lately I’ve been able to replace nightmares involving Kristen Stewart films with fanciful dreams of anthropomorphic peanut butter sandwiches.

Sunrise Trophy



Recognize this? It is another piece in my Trophy line.

This one actually began as a test print on a white t-shirt. It turned out awesome, and I rocked it until I wore the pits out. Upon the realization that the shirt had become unwearable in public I decided to transfer it into wall art. I then cut it, painted it, pressed it, and wrapped it around my patented backing board. Voila, recycled art.

This happens to conveniently coincide with the event of our friends moving into their new house. To celebrate the occasion, I’ve decided to give this to them as a housewarming gift from Emily and I. Just do me a favor, and keep this secret for the next few weeks. I don’t think they read my blog and we want it to be a surprise. Thanks in advance.


Nerd Banana


I am posting twice this week to make up for my fumble last week. I started this blog as a counter to the staleness of most artists’ work pages. In doing so I made it my goal to post at lest once every week, no matter what. While there have been a few weeks where I have not been able to post, I have always responded by double posting the following week. And I am proud to say that all weeks are accounted for with the total number of posts.

This week’s post is a pen doodle I made during a recent thumbnailing session at work. I am referring to him as Nerd Banana. He is also a never-nude.